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Request for Proposals for DISC’s Small Grants Program!

Request for Proposals for DISC’s Small Grants Program!

In 2019, DISC is offering a small grants program and encourages interested groups and individuals to submit proposals for possible funding. The funding for this grant is provided by DISC, the First State Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc. and DNREC – Division of Watershed Stewardship. This announcement lists DISC priorities and provides information about the format and timetable for submitting proposals. We encourage broad participation from groups and individuals concerned about invasive species issues in Delaware. A proposal submission…

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NISAW 2019: Porcelainberry

NISAW 2019: Porcelainberry

National Invasive Species Awareness Week 2019 is wrapping up. Our last invasive species of the day is Porcelainberry. Click the image below for a full .pdf factsheet!

NISAW 2019: Ranavirus

NISAW 2019: Ranavirus

National Invasive Species Awareness Week continues! Today’s invasive species of the day is Ranavirus. Click the image below for a full .pdf factsheet!

DISC Members Field Trip a Success!

DISC Members Field Trip a Success!

DISC members got a behind the scenes look on September 13 at Delaware Botanic Gardens at Pepper Creek. Our members toured the newly planted meadows, woodlands, and shorelines where we discussed restoration, invasive species control, and techniques used by the horticulturalists. [slideshow_deploy id=’960′]  

February 15, 2018 Annual Meeting and Board Nominees!

February 15, 2018 Annual Meeting and Board Nominees!

In lieu of our all-day conference normally held in October, DISC will be holding a half-day meeting on February 15, from 9am-1pm at the Delaware Department of Agriculture. Our tentative agenda includes three speakers and lunch will be catered by Mission BBQ. We are still working on DDA pesticide credits for these speakers and will advertise them once awarded. This meeting will also serve as DISC