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Category: Grants

Grant Opportunity: Mid-Atlantic Panel for Aquatic Invasive Species Request for Proposals

Grant Opportunity: Mid-Atlantic Panel for Aquatic Invasive Species Request for Proposals

In 2017, the MAPAIS is offering a small grants competition and encourages interested groups and individuals to submit proposals for possible funding. Broad participation from groups and individuals concerned about aquatic invasive species (AIS) issues in the mid-Atlantic region is encouraged!

Grant Opportunity from Mid-Atlantic Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species!

Grant Opportunity from Mid-Atlantic Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species!

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species (MAP) is announcing its 2016 request for proposals. The mission of the MAP is to assist state and federal agencies and other stakeholders in developing and implementing strategic, coordinated, and action-oriented approaches to preventing and controlling aquatic invasive species in the mid-Atlantic region. The driving force behind MAP